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Dear Families,

I know these are challenging times. I applaud you in maintaining a sense of normalcy for your children. As your pediatrician, I wanted to update you on a couple things.

Well Child Checks
The American Academy of Pediatrics strongly recommends that all infants, children and adolescents are up to date on their physical exams and vaccines. Do not delay important developmental screenings, laboratory tests, and vaccines.

In the office, I want to reassure you that I am taking precautions recommended by the CDC to ensure your safety. Such measures include masking for all employees and patients, patient cohorting to separate sick and well visits, social distancing, and room sanitation. To minimize gatherings, I am asking patients will call the front desk when they are in the parking lot so they can be roomed immediately. We are limiting the number of people in the office by allowing one parent per child for in person visits. All patients are pre-screened for coronavirus symptoms and possible exposures.

We are offering video appointments for sick visits, follow up visits, and health counseling. Video appointments can be scheduled through the front desk at (408) 356-6167.

Please make sure you are in a well-lit room with a strong internet connection prior to your video visit. If possible, weigh your child and take their temperature prior to visit so we can document this data. Please also have your child’s medicines nearby in case you want to discuss any changes.

School Re-Opening
Many parents have many questions regarding school re-opening. I understand that every family is different. Some of you have high-risk family members such as grandparents living at home. Some of you have children who are at higher risk of falling ill in general, due to asthma or other conditions.

I highly encourage you to book a video visit to discuss any concerns you have about schooling for your child in the upcoming year.

We continue to be vigilant in our monitoring of COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you for continuing to trust us with your child’s care. The safety and welfare of our patients is our top priority, our office is open weekdays except for Wednesday afternoon.

Up to date and accurate information can be found at:


Best regards,
Neela Parekh, M.D. and Staff